
Harvard Conference 2014 “Transformation of Intractable Conflicts”

The forthcoming conference

The Transformation of Intractable Conflicts: Perspectives and Challenges for Interactive Problem Solving,

will be held at Harvard University from 27 through 29 March, 2014.

This major event, attended by some 50 academics and practitioners alike from the US, Europe and the Middle East is jointly organized by Harvard’s  Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, the Herbert C. Kelman Institute in Vienna and the Center for Peace Research and Peace Education at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria.

Generous financial support is beeing provided by the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation, Vienna,  and the Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development, Univeristy of Maryland, USA.

The conference will be held in honour of Prof. Herbert C. Kelman, in recognition of his pioneering work in the field of peacebuilding and his decades-long untiring dedication to dialougue and reconciliation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Dr. Josef Ostermayer, Austrian Federal Minister for the Arts, Culture, Media and Public Service, will deliver the Keynote speech.

The overall intent of the conference is to take reflect on and further develop the approach of interactive problem solving and integrate new concepts, methods and tools in a broader approach of interactive conflict transformation.

Participants will discuss challenges and lessons learned of interactive problem solving with particular reference to the context of intractable conflicts. The three-day conference will start with an opening panel on Thursday at 4 PM, in cooperation with the Middle East Seminar of the Weatherhead Center and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies

For further details please consult the program.